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Foto: Asistive Technolog Blog |
Internetska stranica Airbnb.com u
zadnjih nekoliko godina bilježi ogroman rast prometa i već se sa sigurnošću
može reći da niti jedan servis prije nje nije ovako lako i efikasno posredovao
između iznajmljivača i putnika koji traže smještaj na nekoj lokaciji.
Budući da su i kod nas i u inozemstvu
svi iznajmljivači koji imalo drže do sebe postavili svoje
sobe/apartmane/stanove na već spomenutu stranicu, moglo bi se također reći da
nas od relativno jeftinog smještaja bilo gdje u svijetu dijele doslovno dva
klika mišem i da nikad nije bilo lakše pronaći sebi „bazu“ za ljetni ili zimski
Ipak, postoji jedna mala kvaka. Gornja
tvrdnja točna je samo ukoliko niste osoba s invaliditetom. Jer ako jeste,
stvari se ponešto kompliciraju.
Već sam spomenuo kako je Airbnb
najbolji servis ovakve vrste i kao takav, jedini ima opciju pretrage smještaja
za osobe s invaliditetom. Stvar je u biti vrlo jednostavna. Uz filtere koji vam
dopuštaju da tražit smještaj s dječjim krevetićem, kaminom, teretanom ili bilo
čime što smatrate da vam je potrebno za savršen odmor, postoji i zaseban filter
koji se zove pristupačnost.
Nekada ste pored te riječi samo
stavljali kvačicu i stranica vam je sama filtrirala sadržaj, no u zadnjih godinu
ili dvije, Airbnb se zbilja potrudio i kada kliknete na spomenuti filter,
otvara vam se barem dvadesetak stavki te zasebno odabirete onu koja vam je
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Ovako to izgleda u praksi |
Za razliku od Airbnb-a, vrlo
popularni Booking.com nema nikakav filter vezan za pristupačnost kao ni
internetska stranica Trivago koja se reklamira češće nego piva za vrijeme
Svjetskog prvenstva, ali nije se odlučila platiti kakvom bucmastom programeru s
fudbalerkom da im postavi tu jednostavnu opciju.
Može se, dakle, reći da je Airbnb svoj posao odradio i više nego korektno. Pa što onda kukaš i gdje je uopće zapelo, upitat ćete se možda.
Na iznajmljivačima, naravno.
I ne, nikako ne želim da ovo ispadne
tipično kukanje o diskriminaciji niti mislim da bi itko trebao uložiti petsto
tisuća kuna da bih ja mogao ući u svaki stambeni objekt u Hrvatskoj. Ipak,
situacija je daleko od idealne, a to se lijepo može vidjeti i po ovoj karti.
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Gornja fotografija: izbor smještaja prilagođenog osobama s invaliditetom Donja fotografija: smještaj bez prilagodbe. |
Za ovu priliku napravio sam mali
eksperiment. Pokušao sam rezervirati smještaj za dvije osobe u Dubrovniku za
razdoblje od 01. do 03.09. s tim da nisam filtrirao cijenu jer mi za ovu
priliku nije bilo potrebno (Ma nije ni inače, pun sam ko brod!!).
U prvom slučaju koristio sam filtere
pristupačnosti uz napomenu da sam stavio samo one osnovne: ulazak u zgradu bez
stepenica, pristup kupaonici bez stepenica, ulaze dovoljno široke za invalidska
kolica. Rezultat – jedan jedini smještaj u Gradu i na njegovu užem području!
Druga fotografija je bez ikakvih
filtera, dakle nešto što bi koristila osoba koja nema nikakve smetnje pri
kretanju. Rezultat je oko trideset smještaja u navedenom razdoblju.
Ok, znam da u Dubrovniku početkom
rujna još uvijek na veliko traje turistička sezona, ali mjesta očito ima (ako
vam pristupačnost nije bitan faktor).
A što je s hotelima?
Što se hotela tiče, tu je situacija
ipak nešto bolja, ne jer žele nego jer moraju. Koliko čujem i koliko sam
upućen (a nisam previše), gotovo svi bolji hoteli, dakle ekipa s četiri i više
zvjezdica, imaju bar nekoliko soba prilagođenih invalidskim kolicima, a osim
toga imaju i prilično široke liftove, parking isl. Minus im je naravno cijena,
ali i dodatni sadržaji poput pristupa bazenu ili plaži, a koji bi se mogli
relativno lako „srediti“.
Poseban je bonus kad rampa ili lift
postoji, ali iz nekog razloga nije u funkciji što je situacija koja mi se svako
toliko dogodi i svaki put me iznova oduševi.
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Ekvivalent ovoga bi otprilike bio da
ti netko reče da se možeš malo provozat njegovim Ferrarijem, ali ti onako usput
napomene da mu fale kotači.
*Jedno pitanje za moje fejs prijatelje
koji rade u hotelima: postoji li neki uvjet za dobivanje zvjezdice, a koji je
vezan za pristupačnost tj. prilagođenost hotelskih sadržaja? Odgovore očekujem
u komentarima :))
Sve se može kad se hoće. Ok, ne sve, ali dosta toga
Ponovit ću da zaista ne mislim da bi
netko trebao montirati lift u svoje apartmane niti razbijati hodnik kako bi bio
dovoljno širok za invalidska kolica, ali nekada i sitne preinake jako mnogo
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Foto: Njuškalo |
Aluminijske ili limene rampe poput ove prilično su jeftine i lako dostupne, a nekada znače razliku između potpuno prilagođenog i potpuno neprilagođenog doma.
Hoćete li od onih pet-šest dodatnih
gostiju godišnje koje bi zbog ove rampe mogli imati profitirati toliko da za
tri sezone podignete još jedan kat? Vrlo teško. Ipak, nekome biste mogli
priuštiti savršen odmor u jednom od najljepših gradova na svijetu. Priznajte,
nije ni to toliko loše.
Prijašnji postovi:
I believe I can fly
The Airbnb.com website has seen enormous growth in traffic over the last few years and it can be safely said that no service before it has so easily and efficiently mediated between renters and travelers seeking accommodation at a certain location.
Since all renters in Croatia and around the world already put their rooms / homes/ apartments on the above-mentioned page, we could also say that we are literally two mouse clicks from relatively cheap accommodation anywhere in the world and it was never so easy to find a "base" for summer or winter vacation.
Still, there is one small catch. The above statement is only true if you are not a disabled person. Because if you are, things get somewhat complicated.
I have already mentioned that Airbnb is the best service of this kind and as such, the only one has the option of finding accommodation for people with disabilities. The thing is, in fact, very simple. Among filters that allow you to look for accommodation with a baby cot, a fireplace, a gym, or whatever you think you need for a perfect vacation, there is also a separate filter that is called accessibility.
There used to be only one filter, a checkmark next to a paraplegic sign and the site itself filtered content, but for the past year or two, Airbnb has really struggled and when you click on that filter, you open at least twenty items and select the one you need.
Unlike Airbnb, the very popular Booking.com does not have any accessibility filters as well as the Trivago Web site that advertises more frequently than beer during the World Championship, but has not decided to pay a chubby programmer with a funny hair to set this simple option.
It can therefore be said that Airbnb did its job more than correctly. So why are you whining and where's the problem, you might ask.
On the landlords, of course.
And no, I do not want this to be the usual story about discrimination, nor do I think anyone should have to invest five hundred thousand kunas so I would be able to enter any residential building in Croatia. Still, the situation is far from ideal, and this is nice to see on this map as well.
The second photo is without any filters, so something that would be used by a person with no movement problems. The result is about thirty accommodations in that period.
Okay, I know that in Dubrovnik in early September is still a peak of tourist season, but there is obviously enough places to stay. (if accessibility is not an important factor).
Aluminum or limestone ramps like this are fairly cheap and easy to access, and sometimes make the difference between a fully customized and completely inadequate home.
Will you benefit from those five or six additional guests a year so much that you raise another floor for three seasons? Very difficult. Still, you could afford someone a perfect vacation in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Admit it, that's not that bad either.
Airbnb Gospel
Since all renters in Croatia and around the world already put their rooms / homes/ apartments on the above-mentioned page, we could also say that we are literally two mouse clicks from relatively cheap accommodation anywhere in the world and it was never so easy to find a "base" for summer or winter vacation.
Still, there is one small catch. The above statement is only true if you are not a disabled person. Because if you are, things get somewhat complicated.
I have already mentioned that Airbnb is the best service of this kind and as such, the only one has the option of finding accommodation for people with disabilities. The thing is, in fact, very simple. Among filters that allow you to look for accommodation with a baby cot, a fireplace, a gym, or whatever you think you need for a perfect vacation, there is also a separate filter that is called accessibility.
There used to be only one filter, a checkmark next to a paraplegic sign and the site itself filtered content, but for the past year or two, Airbnb has really struggled and when you click on that filter, you open at least twenty items and select the one you need.
Unlike Airbnb, the very popular Booking.com does not have any accessibility filters as well as the Trivago Web site that advertises more frequently than beer during the World Championship, but has not decided to pay a chubby programmer with a funny hair to set this simple option.
It can therefore be said that Airbnb did its job more than correctly. So why are you whining and where's the problem, you might ask.
On the landlords, of course.
And no, I do not want this to be the usual story about discrimination, nor do I think anyone should have to invest five hundred thousand kunas so I would be able to enter any residential building in Croatia. Still, the situation is far from ideal, and this is nice to see on this map as well.
For this occasion I made a small experiment. I tried to book accommodation for two people in Dubrovnik for the period from 01. to 03.09. I did not filter the price because it didn't matter in this particular case. (It doesn't matter otherwise, I'm loaded with money!!) LOL.
In the first case, I used accessibility filters with the remark that I put only the basic ones: entering the building without a staircase, accessing the bathroom without a staircase, enter a wide wheelchair access. Result - only one accommodation in the city and its immediate area!
The second photo is without any filters, so something that would be used by a person with no movement problems. The result is about thirty accommodations in that period.
Okay, I know that in Dubrovnik in early September is still a peak of tourist season, but there is obviously enough places to stay. (if accessibility is not an important factor).
And what about hotels?
As for the hotels, this situation is better, not because they want it because they have to. As far as i know (and I really don't know a lot), almost all the better hotels, that is, the four or more star hotels, have at least a few wheelchair-friendly rooms, and besides they have quite large lifts, parking and such. Price is a big minus but also lack of additional facilities such as swimming pool access or beach access, which could be relatively easy to solve.
There is a special bonus when there is a ramp or lift, but for some reason it is not a functional and that's something that happens to me from time to time time and every time I am thrilled again.
Everything can be solved when there's will. Ok, not everything but a lot
I will repeat once more that I do not really think that someone should mount a lift in their apartments or break a corridor to be wide enough for a wheelchair, but sometimes tiny changes mean much.
Will you benefit from those five or six additional guests a year so much that you raise another floor for three seasons? Very difficult. Still, you could afford someone a perfect vacation in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Admit it, that's not that bad either.
Looking forward for more airport travel posts like this one.
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