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Foto: Cratia Week |
Draga naša Croatia Airlines često je
s pravom na udaru bijesnih korisnika zbog previsokih cijena, kašnjenja ili
otkazivanja letova ili već nečega trećeg što su taj tjedan skrivili. Ipak, ovaj
post neće se previše doticati tih tema, već će se bazirati na iskustvo letenja
nekoga tko se koristi invalidskim kolicima.
Odmah je važno napomenuti da čitava
procedura transfera u avion i iz aviona uopće nije u nadležnosti aviokompanije
već aerodroma s kojeg polijećete/slijećete, a kojeg aviokompanija obavještava
o vrsti pomoći koja vam je potrebna.
I tu nastaje prvi problem.
Naime, Croatia uopće nema opciju
prema kojoj možete na brz i jednostavan način dati do znanja da vam je kretanje
otežano te da vam je potrebna pomoć za ulazak u avion. Umjesto toga morate
zvati na njihov telefon ili slati mailove te se pritom nadati da ćete naići na
nekoga dovoljno profesionalnog tko će vam pomoći. Ili si naći neku „vezu“ koja
će vam to sve lijepo srediti. Pozdrav mojoj vezi Marini ako ovo čita <3
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Foto: Vueling |
Primjer kako bi to trebalo izgledati.
Čak i klošarski low cost Vueling to ima sasvim lijepo razrađeno.
Jednom kad ste dali do znanja da vam treba asistencija kod ulaza, sve teče po ustaljenom planu i programu. Nakon što ste uzeli boarding kartu, najčešće vas dočeka neki od zaposlenika aerodroma koji vas uputi do carine gdje netko tko je u kolicima prolazi malo drukčiju vrstu pregleda. Budući da kolica ne mogu proći kroz detektor metala (jer je preuzak, a i jer su i ona većinom od metala), carinski službenik vas pregleda onim malim uređajem, a ako je tog dana posebno kinky raspoložen, možda vas i takne koji put po leđima ili nogama.
Ulazak u avion (isto vrijedi i kod izlaska)
Budući da Croatia, a i većina ostalih
aviokompanija nema dovoljno velike i prostrane avione da uđem u njih s kolicima
pa se sam prebacim na sjedište, prisiljen sam ulaziti pomoću jednog od ovih
čuda. Stvar funkcionira tako da stanete na ovu platformu, uđete, malo se
vozikate po pisti i zatim se „priključite“ na avion i s druge strane uđete.
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Foto: Wheelchair Travel |
Osobno, puno mi je draža opcija s ovim mostovima koje, boguhvala, već neko vrijeme ima i naš aerodrom, ali naravno, ne za sve letove. Draže mi je jer nema vozikanja po pisti, čekanja lifta da se podigne i priključi, a vrijeme provedeno u najneudobnijim kolicima na svijetu svedeno je na minimum. Most kojim jednostavno stignete od zgrade do aviona:
Kad već spominjem najneudobnija
kolica na svijetu, evo i slika. Pošto se klasičnim kolicima ne može proći kroz
prolaz između sjedišta u avionu, osoba s invaliditetom prisiljena se na
nekoliko minuta koristiti ovom simpatičnom spravom za mučenje koja je toliko
uska, toliko nepraktična i toliko tvrda za leđa i guzicu da je i onih pet minuta
u njoj previše.
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Foto: rechtaufklo.de |
E da, skoro zaboravih. Ne znam je li
to politika aviokompanije (Marina, piši ako znaš) ili nije, ali do sada sam
uvijek dobivao mjesto pored prozora, negdje na sredini aviona. Negdje sam čitao
da je i to dio sigurnosne politike prema kojoj se to radi iz predostrožnosti kako osoba sa smanjenom
pokretljivošću ne bi blokirala put u slučaju evakuacije ostaloj dvojici koji
sjede pored nje. Tko će u slučaju požara ili prodiranja vode evakuirati tu
osobu koja sjedi skroz do prozora – nisu rekli, a ja nisam pitao. Fuck it, volim
živjeti na rubu.
I tako...letenje avionom, kao
uostalom i sve ostalo, ima svoje prednosti i svoje mane. Neke stvari koje mi
smetaju i koje me nerviraju će se sigurno popraviti kroz godine, neke neće
nikada, ali letenje avionom će mi i dalje biti omiljeno sredstvo transporta.
Spravici za mučenje unatoč.
Stariji postovi:
Dear our Croatia Airlines is often rightly criticized by angry users because of the high prices, delays or cancellations of flights, or something else they had been messing up this week. However, this post will not touch these issues much, but will be based on the experience of flying someone using a wheelchair.
It is important to mention that the entire transfer procedure is not at within the competence of the airline, but the airport you are leaving from and which the airline informs about the type of assistance you need.
And here comes the first problem.
Namely, Croatia does not have the option to quickly and easily inform that it is difficult for you to travel and that you need assistance to enter the plane. Instead, you have to call on their phone or send mails and hoping to find someone professional enough to help you. Or you will find a "link" that will make it all nice to you. Hello my connection to Marina if she reads this <3
An example of how this should look like. Even the low-cost Vueling taxi fare has done quite well.
Once you told them that you need an assistance, everything runs on a regular schedule and program. After you have taken a boarding ticket, someone from he airport staff will wait for you to go to the customs where someone in the wheelchair passes a slightly different kind of review. Since the wheelchairs can not pass through the metal detector (because it is too small, and because they are mostly metal), the customs officer looks at you with that small device, and if he feels particularly kinky on that day, he may touch your legs and back a few times.
Personally, I prefer the option with these bridges which, our Dubrovnik airport have for a while now, but of course not for all flights. I prefer this because there is no driving, waiting for the lift to lift and join, and the time spent on the world's most uncomfortable chair is minimized. The bridge you can easily get from the building to the plane:
Since i mentioned the most uncommon chair in the world, here's the picture. Since a classic wheelchair can not pass through the passage between a seat on a plane, people with disabilities are forced to use this cute torture device for a few minutes, but it's so unpractical and so hard for back and ass that those five minutes in it too much.
Oh, I almost forgot. I do not know if this is the airline's policy (Marina, write if you know) or not, but so far I've always got a place next to the window somewhere in the middle of the plane. Somewhere I've read that this is also part of the security policy that is being worked on because a person with reduced mobility would not block the way of evacuation to the other two sitting next to him. Who in the case of a fire or water penetration will evacuate this person sitting up to the window - they did not say, and I did not ask. Fuck it, I like to live on the edge.
And so ... flying on a plane, as well as everything else, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some things that annoy me and make me nervous will certainly be repaired over the years, some will never, but flying on the plane will still be my favorite way of transport. Despite the little torturing device.
Stariji postovi:
I believe i can fl. With Croatia, of course
It is important to mention that the entire transfer procedure is not at within the competence of the airline, but the airport you are leaving from and which the airline informs about the type of assistance you need.
And here comes the first problem.
Namely, Croatia does not have the option to quickly and easily inform that it is difficult for you to travel and that you need assistance to enter the plane. Instead, you have to call on their phone or send mails and hoping to find someone professional enough to help you. Or you will find a "link" that will make it all nice to you. Hello my connection to Marina if she reads this <3
An example of how this should look like. Even the low-cost Vueling taxi fare has done quite well.
Once you told them that you need an assistance, everything runs on a regular schedule and program. After you have taken a boarding ticket, someone from he airport staff will wait for you to go to the customs where someone in the wheelchair passes a slightly different kind of review. Since the wheelchairs can not pass through the metal detector (because it is too small, and because they are mostly metal), the customs officer looks at you with that small device, and if he feels particularly kinky on that day, he may touch your legs and back a few times.
Entering the plane (same goes for exiting)
Since Croatia, and most other airline companies do not have enough large and spacious aircraft to enter the wheelchair, I'm forced to enter with the help from one of these wonders. First I go on the platform, enter, drive a little by the dirt and then "connect" to the plane and enter the other side.
Since i mentioned the most uncommon chair in the world, here's the picture. Since a classic wheelchair can not pass through the passage between a seat on a plane, people with disabilities are forced to use this cute torture device for a few minutes, but it's so unpractical and so hard for back and ass that those five minutes in it too much.
Oh, I almost forgot. I do not know if this is the airline's policy (Marina, write if you know) or not, but so far I've always got a place next to the window somewhere in the middle of the plane. Somewhere I've read that this is also part of the security policy that is being worked on because a person with reduced mobility would not block the way of evacuation to the other two sitting next to him. Who in the case of a fire or water penetration will evacuate this person sitting up to the window - they did not say, and I did not ask. Fuck it, I like to live on the edge.
And so ... flying on a plane, as well as everything else, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some things that annoy me and make me nervous will certainly be repaired over the years, some will never, but flying on the plane will still be my favorite way of transport. Despite the little torturing device.
Love this post, thank you Croatia for being so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteluton airport parking